dividend n. 1.【数学】被除数 opp. divisor。 2.红利,股息;利息;(破产时清算的)分配金。 3.(一般的)份儿;报酬。 cum [ex] dividend 〔英国〕 =dividend on [off] 〔美国〕有[无]股息。 stock dividend 股息。 non-dividend payer 无红股户。 Swimming is a fun, and gives you the dividend of better health. 游泳既是娱乐,又有增进健康的好处。 declare a dividend 通告分红。
With a flexible premium payment term of 10 years , or until you reach the age of 65 or 100 , you will be entitled to a guaranteed cash value and accumulated dividends 岁,你并可获保证现金价值及累积保单红利,为你及家人作出长远财务保障承诺。此计划设有
Wealth builder savings insurance provides comprehensive protection and a rewarding savings including guaranteed cash bonuses , accumulated dividends and total cash value 创富储蓄宝除具备周全的保障外,更提供保证现金价值、保证现金花红及积存红利,让你尽享丰厚回报。